Get Rich Quick Scheme

Get Rich Quick Scheme
Skema cepat kaya merupakan skema di mana sejumlah uang akan disimpan atau diinvestasikan ke penyelenggara dengan janji dan persyaratan bahwa uang deposit tersebut akan dikembalikan kembali dengan keuntungan, biasanya lebih tinggi dari apa yang diberikan oleh lembaga keuangan resmi.

Selasa, 06 September 2011



Satu Juta Dollar


[skeem] noun, verb, schemed, schem·ing.
1. a plan, design, or program of action to be followed; project.
2. an underhand plot; intrigue.
3. a visionary or impractical project.
4. a body or system of related doctrines, theories, etc.: a scheme of philosophy.
5. any system of correlated things, parts, etc., or the manner of its arrangement.
6. a plan, program, or policy officially adopted and followed, as by a government or business: The company's pension scheme is very successful.
7. an analytical or tabular statement.
8. a diagram, map, or the like.
9. an astrological diagram of the heavens.

verb (used with object) devise as a scheme; plan; plot; contrive.

Bisnis Investasi is Money Game

Apakah Anda pernah mendapat tawaran untuk melakukan investasi melalui internet yang memberikan return besar? 1%-1.9% perhari kerja dan Investasi Anda biasanya hanya bisa diambil kembali dalam waktu sekitar 6 s/d 9 bulan?

Saya pernah mengalaminya dan ternyata dapat saya simpulkan bisnis investasi di internet yang menjanjikan return gila-gilaan, adalah bisnis investasi money game.

Bila Anda berniat mencobanya, lebih baik Anda bersiap diri dengan konsekunsi kehilangan modal dasar yang Anda setor. Saya pernah mengikuti bisnis investasi di internet seperti,, dan yang terakhir adalah Semuanya berguguran dan membawa kabur modal dasar yang saya setor.

Bila Anda telah terlanjur mengikuti program bisnis investasi dan tidak bisa ditarik modalnya, strateginya adalah setiap hasil investasi Anda biasanya diberikan berupa bunga, harus Anda ambil setiap kali, Jangan di compound ( bunga ber bunga ), karena bisnis investasi money game di internet umumnya tidak berumur panjang sekitar 6 bulan sampai dengan 1 tahun.

Investment scams (get-rich-quick)

Investment scams can come in many forms—from an unexpected phone call offering an investment opportunity to an email encouraging you to buy shares that are about to go up based on 'secret' information. You could be offered early access to your super, gambling software or promised large tax deductions or refunds.

When you take part in an investment scam, you will probably lose a lot of money and may end up in considerable debt. If you invest in a dodgy tax scheme, you could also be liable to pay back any missing tax plus interest and penalties on top of losing your investment.

If you are approached by somebody out of the blue who offers you an investment opportunity, say 'No' and hang up the phone or delete the email. It is the best thing to do.

Do not rely on advice from the person trying to sell you the investment. Always seek independent financial and/or legal advice before making any investment decision.

What is Financial Fraud?

Financial fraud can be broadly defined as an intentional act of deception involving financial transactions for purpose of personal gain. Fraud is a crime, and is also a civil law violation. Many fraud cases involve complicated financial transactions conducted by 'white collar criminals' such as business professionals with specialized knowledge and criminal intent.

An unscrupulous investment broker may present clients with an opportunity to purchase shares in precious metal repositories, for example. His status as a professional investor gives him credibility, which can lead to justified credibility among potential clients. Those who believe the opportunity to be legitimate contribute substantial amounts of cash and receive authentic-looking bond documentation in return. If the investment broker is fully aware that no such repositories exist and still receives payments for worthless bonds, then victims may sue him for fraud.

Fraudsters can contact their potential victims through many methods, which include face- to-face interaction, by post, phone calls, sms and/or emails. The difficulty of checking identities and legitimacy of individuals and companies, the ease with which fraudsters can divert visitors to dummy sites and steal personal financial information, the international dimensions of the web and ease with which fraudsters can hide their true location, all contribute to making internet fraud the fastest growing area of fraud.

"Get-Rich-Quick" schemes are plans which offers high or unrealistic rates of return for a small amount of investment while at the same time promising that such investment is easy and risk-free. Generally speaking, if the offer is too good to be true, members of the public are advised to be wary and should make an effort to verify the validity of the promised high returns. Most get-rich-quick schemes also assert that wealth can be generated with little skill, effort, or time. Illegal schemes or scams are often advertised through spam or 'cold-calling'. Some forms of advertising for these schemes market books or compact discs about getting rich quick rather than asking participants to invest directly in a concrete scheme. It is clearly possible to get rich quickly if one is prepared to accept very high levels of risk - this is the premise of the gambling industry. However, gambling offers the near-certainty of completely losing the original stake over the long term, even if it offers some wins along the way. Nevertheless, many people long for instant wealth, and find these schemes appealing.


Get Rich Quick Scheme

A get-rich-quick scheme is a plan to acquire high rates of return for a small investment. The term "get rich quick" has been used to describe shady investments since at least the early 1900s.

Pyramid Scheme

Pyramid schemes first appeared in the latter half of the twentieth century, starting with chain letters.

Chain Letter Pyramid Scheme

Probably the oldest, and most familiar pyramid scheme, is the chain mail. This is seldom seen today, mostly because there are cheaper ways to bilk people than using the U.S. mail, and it's also illegal.

Ponzi Scheme

The Ponzi scheme is often mistaken for, or confused with a pyramid scheme, and while they have the same structure, they don't operate the same way.

Illegal Matrix

An illegal matrix is just that...illegal. It is a variation on the gifting program, where you put in X amount of dollars and your money comes from others recruited down the line.

Gifting Program

Gifting programs are simply a new variation on the old pyramid scheme, but usually pitched as a way to share the wealth, or other philanthropic aims, with of course, financial benefits to you.

HYIP (High-yield investment program)

The legitimate ones are usually investing your money in such things as commodities, FOREX, offshore, and other programs that can return up to 3% daily, or a steady but small income over longer periods, such as a month.

Auto-Surfer Ponzi Scheme

An auto-surf program could be legitimate, but beware if you're being asked to pay bucks to earn big bucks to look at websites.

Paid-For Opportunities

"Paid for" is exactly that. It is work of some kind that you are paid for. In this age of the computer, much of it relates to online business and traffic, or web page hits.

Payment Randomizer

This is the latest in "earn money on the Internet" schemes, in which you do nothing but sit back and collect the money

Advance-fee fraud

Advance-fee fraud is a confidence trick in which the target is persuaded to advance sums of money in the hope of realizing a significantly larger gain.

Forex (foreign exchange) scam

Forex (foreign exchange) scam is any trading scheme used to defraud traders by convincing them that they can expect to gain a high profit by trading in the foreign exchange market.

Illegal Foreign Exchange Trading Scheme

Illegal Foreign Exchange Trading Scheme refers to:
  1. Buying or selling of foreign currency by an individual/company who is not an authorised dealer, or by an individual/company that has not obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the Exchange Control Act 1953 (ECA).
  2. Buying or selling of foreign currency by a resident who is not an authorised dealer, with a person outside Malaysia, or by a resident who has not obtained the permission of the Controller of Foreign Exchange under the ECA.

Make Money Fast

"MAKE.MONEY.FAST" is a title of an electronically forwarded chain letter which became so infamous that the term is now used to describe all sorts of chain letters forwarded over the Internet, by e-mail spam or Usenet newsgroups. In anti-spammer slang, the name is often abbreviated "MMF".


A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. A confidence artist is an individual working alone or in concert with others who exploits characteristics of the human psyche such as greed, both dishonesty and honesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naïveté, and the thought of trying to get something of value for nothing or for something far less valuable.

Ripoff (or rip-off)

Ripoff (or rip-off) is a bad financial transaction. Usually it refers to an incident in which a person overpays for something. A ripoff is distinguished from a scam in that a scam involves wrongdoing such as fraud; whether or not something is a ripoff, on the other hand, is a matter of opinion.
Collective investment scheme (Reksadana), many people investing money together.

TANSTAAFL or TINSTAAF (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch or There's no such thing as a free lunch)

The "free lunch" in the saying refers to the nineteenth century practice in American bars of offering a "free lunch" as a way to entice drinking customers.

Land banking

Land banking is the practice of purchasing raw land with the intent to hold on to it until such a time as it is profitable to sell it on to others for more than was initially paid. Land is popular as an investment as it is a tangible asset as opposed to shares or bonds.

Matthew Lesko

He has authored over 20 reference books telling people how to get "free" money from the United States government.

Success University

Does not employ any professors and does not have any premises; instead members are offered online courses on topics such as success in business, or physical wellbeing. Members have to pay an introduction fee, and are then encouraged to invite other people to join in exchange for a part of the benefits.

Sports investment scams

Don’t be tempted to buy into gambling schemes, camouflaged as investments. Many are just scams and you will lose your money— participate at your own risk!

Cold calling (investment telemarketing)

Unsolicited phone calls pushing high-return and high-risk investments, often in overseas markets. The callers sound professional but are not licensed in Australia.

Share promotions & 'hot tips'

Spam email or strange phone messages that urge you to buy shares in a thinly-traded company. The scammers wait until their victims invest before selling their own stock at a profit.

Investment seminars & real estate scams

High-pressure sales in high-risk investment strategies. Scammers profit through attendance fees and by selling property and investments at inflated prices.

Sports investment scams

Expensive software packages that promise to predict the results of sporting events or share market movements. When they fail to work as promised, refunds are hard to come by.

Superannuation scams

You are offered early access to your superannuation (‘early release’), often through a self-managed super fund. The scammers take a large part of your super for themselves, and put you at risk for accessing your super in an illegal way.

Business opportunity scams

There are a range of scams marketed as business opportunities. They promise success but usually only the promoter makes any money.

Guaranteed employment / income scams

Scammers ‘guarantee’ you a job or certain level of income, tricking you into paying an up-front fee for a ‘business plan’ or materials.

Up-front payment scams

You are asked to send money upfront for a product or ‘reward’. You will end up with something much less than you expected, or nothing at all.

'Nigerian 419' scams

You are promised huge rewards if you help someone transfer money out of their country by paying fees or giving them your bank account details.


Autosurfs are traffic exchanges that automatically rotate advertised websites in one's web browser. Therefore, they are capable of bringing a large amount of traffic to the advertised websites. Members earn credits for each site that they view, which can then be spent to advertise members' sites by adding them to the autosurf rotation. Sites may additionally be added by external advertisers who pay the autosurf operators.

Bernard Madoff

Bernard Lawrence "Bernie" Madoff (pronounced /ˈmeɪdɒf/;[3] born April 29, 1938) is a former American stockbroker, businessman, investor, investment advisor, money manager, and former non-executive chairman of the NASDAQ stock market, and the admitted operator of what has been described as the largest Ponzi scheme in history.


BurnLounge, Inc. was an illegal pyramid scheme founded in 2004, with offices in New York City. Its primary business was the BurnLounge online music store, and it was associated with Orbital Publishing, which produced printed matter for the company. Former CEO Alex Arnold (formerly with Excel Communications and founder and former chairman of[4][5]), was partners with Ryan Dadd and Stephen Murray.

Franchise fraud

Franchise fraud is defined by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation as a pyramid scheme.

Cobra Group (company)

The Cobra Group is a sales and marketing company specialising in a variety of direct marketing strategies, including event marketing and face-to-face selling (door-to-door) in the business-to-consumer and business-to-business channels.

Holiday Magic

Holiday Magic was a multi-level marketing organization, founded in 1964, by William Penn Patrick (1930–1973) in the United States. Originally the organization distributed goods such as home-care products and cosmetics.

Multi-level marketing (MLM)

Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of others they recruit, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. Other terms for MLM include network marketing, pyramid selling, and referral marketing.

Social Security debate (United States)

This article concerns proposals to change the Social Security system in the United States. Social Security is a social insurance program officially called "Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance" (OASDI), in reference to its three components. It is primarily funded through a dedicated payroll tax. During 2009, total benefits of $686 billion were paid out versus income (taxes and interest) of $807 billion, a $121 billion annual surplus. An estimated 156 million people paid into the program and 53 million received benefits, roughly 2.94 workers per beneficiary.

Bucket shop (stock market)

As defined by the U.S. Supreme Court a Bucket shop is "[a]n establishment, nominally for the transaction of a stock exchange business, or business of similar character, but really for the registration of bets, or wagers, usually for small amounts, on the rise or fall of the prices of stocks, grain, oil, etc., there being no transfer or delivery of the stock or commodities nominally dealt in." People often mistakenly interchange the words bucket shop and boiler room, but there is actually a significant difference. A boiler room has been defined as a place where high-pressure salespeople use banks of telephones to call lists of potential investors (known as a "sucker lists") in order to peddle speculative, even fraudulent, securities." However, with a bucket shop, it could be better thought of as a place where people go to make “side bets” – similar to a bookie.

Double Shah

Syed Sibtul Hassan Shah, alias Double Shah (Urdu, Punjabi: ڈبل شاہ; born 3 March 1964), was a teacher who started a financial scam, a Ponzi scheme, in Pakistan. Syed Sibtul Hassan Shah is a resident of Pak town - a lower middle class area - in Wazirabad, a tehsil of Gujranwala. He was born in Koloke, a small town of Sambrial Tehsil, in Sialkot District, Punjab.

White-collar crime

Within the field of criminology, white-collar crime has been defined by Edwin Sutherland as "a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation" (1939). Sutherland was a proponent of Symbolic Interactionism, and believed that criminal behavior was learned from interpersonal interaction with others. White-collar crime, therefore, overlaps with corporate crime because the opportunity for fraud, bribery, insider trading, embezzlement, computer crime, copyright infringement, money laundering, identity theft, and forgery are more available to white-collar employees.

Lottery - Lotre - Lotere

A lottery is a form of gambling which involves the drawing of lots for a prize.
Lotre atau lotere ialah bentuk perjudian yang melibatkan penarikan banyak hadiah. Di awal abad ke-20, sebagian besar bentuk perjudian, termasuk lotre dan taruhan dinyatakan ilegal di sejumlah negara, termasuk Amerika Serikat dan sebagian besar Eropa, namun setelah Perang Dunia II, pelan-pelan lotere mulai banyak dilegalkan. Lotre kebanyakan diselenggarakan oleh pemerintahan nasional maupun lokal. Kemungkinan memenangkan jackpot lotere ditentukan oleh sejumlah hal, termasuk: jumlah bilangan yang mungkin keluar, jumlah bilangan yang sudah keluar, apakah urutannya signifikan dan apakah bilangan yang ditarik dikembalikan untuk kemungkinan penarikan lebih lanjut.

Collective investment scheme - Reksadana

A collective investment scheme is a way of investing money alongside other investors in order to benefit from the inherent advantages of working as part of a group. These advantages include an ability to
  • hire a professional investment manager, which theoretically offers the prospects of better returns and/or risk management
  • benefit from economies of scale - cost sharing among others
  • diversify more than would be feasible for most individual investors which, theoretically, reduces risk.
Reksadana adalah wadah dan pola pengelolaan dana/modal bagi sekumpulan investor untuk berinvestasi dalam instrumen-instrumen investasi yang tersedia di Pasar dengan cara membeli unit penyertaan reksadana. Dana ini kemudian dikelola oleh Manajer Investasi (MI) ke dalam portofolio investasi, baik berupa saham, obligasi, pasar uang ataupun efek/sekuriti lainnya.

Illegal Internet Investment Scheme

Illegal Internet Investment Scheme is a variation of illegal deposit taking activities which employs the use of internet (e.g: through emails and websites) as a primary channel for interaction, communication and transaction of business engaged in fund management and investment advice without any licence.

Illegal Deposit Taking

Illegal Deposit Taking is an act of receiving, taking or accepting of deposits (moneys, precious metals, precious stones, any other article etc.) from members of the public that promises a repayment with interest or returns in money or money's worth without a valid license under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA).

Unauthorised Withdrawals

Unauthorised Withdrawal involves the withdrawal or transfer of funds from an individual's banking account without proper authorisation or consent by the individual. Such incidents are normally the result of an individual knowingly, or unknowingly, divulging their personal information such as personal identification numbers (PIN) and password to fraudulent or third parties.

Unauthorised Use of Credit or Debit Card

Unauthorised Use of Credit or Debit Card is a transaction involving the charging of expenses/purchase of goods and services without the consent of the cardholder. Such transactions may occur as a consequence of credit or debit cards that are lost, stolen, not received, issued on a fraudulent application, counterfeit or other fraudulent conditions as defined by the credit or debit card issuer.

Misuse of Bank Negara Malaysia and Senior Officers' Names and Positions

The fraudulent use of Bank Negara Malaysia's name, corporate logo as well as Senior Officers' names and positions by fraudsters in illegal schemes or fraudulent activities in order to mislead members of the public. The illegal schemes or fraudulent activities may be promoted through emails, letters, phone calls or other forms of communication.

What You Should Do If You're A Victim

You are advised to always be careful and not to fall prey to any of the financial frauds or scams. If you have became a victim, Bank Negara Malaysia advises you to do the following:
  • Firstly, you are advised to lodge a police report.
  • Then, to report to the relevant enforcement agency.
  • You must keep all records and documentations for the investments such as bank-in slips, deposit slips, agreements, vouchers that you received from the company or perpetrator so that you can use the documents to take action against the company.
  • This includes details of the officers or key persons that you dealt with in the company. This information could prove useful for enforcement purposes.

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